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Request Pet Food Assistance

For those pet owners in need of TEMPORARY - NON Permanent assistance with pet food for dogs and cats, please read our Guidelines for Eligibility and apply


Applications are reviewed and approved by volunteers at the pantry.

Applicants will be contacted upon approval. 

Guidelines for Assistance

  1. Applicant Proof of: Identification

  2. Applicant Proof of: Spayed/Neuter of ALL animals in Applicants household.

  3. Applicant Proof of: Residence in Northumberland, Union, Snyder Counties.

  4. Applicant Proof of: Unemployment, Disability or Financial Hardship.

  5. ONE applicant per household.

  6. Applicant must be willing to pick up food at the distribution sites during distribution hours on our scheduled distribution days. We cannot deliver.

  7. If someone other than the Applicant is picking up for the Applicant, that person must be named on the application AND contact Arthurs Pet Pantry before distribution pick up so we can tag food bag accordingly.

  8. Applicant agrees to NOT add additional pets to their household while receiving services.

  9. Pets must be companion animals. We are not able to help feral/stray animals at this time.

  10. Pet breeders or animals kept for illegal purposes are absolutely NOT eligible.

  11. As we are donation based, food from Arthurs Pet Pantry is intended as supplementary only. Applicant may need to purchase additional food for their pets.

  12. Pet owners must comply with their town/city/borough ordinance. We do not support overpopulation of animals.

  13. Recipients agree not to resell, flip, trade, redistribute or attempt to return to a store, any food or care items received from Arthur's Pet Food Pantry.

  14. Applicant agrees to not to hold Arthur's Pet Food Pantry, its volunteers, and benefactors legally liable in the unfortunate event your pet(s) become ill or the food upsets a pets(s) stomach. Being donation based, we can not guarantee special dietary formulas as our food supplies are donation based and vary.

  15. In order to be able to serve those in need with the food resources we have available, ALL applicants must submit this completed request for assistance to be approved before distribution. You will be contacted upon approval. Please provide a working phone and email contact information.

  16. Applications for Assistance are reviewed every 3 months. Please contact us if you no longer require assistance so we can provide your portion to other pets in need. 

Violation to any of these Guidelines, Arthur's Pet Pantry will terminate assistance. 


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Lewisburg is the 3rd Wednesday of every month at Mazeppa's Manna, 3200 Johnson Mill Road,

from 9 am - 11am


Northumberland is the 3rd Saturday of every month at the Trinity United Methodist Church, 300 Sixth Street. Photo ID and proof of living in the Shikellamy School District is required. From 9 am to 11.

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